Happy Mother's Day, MOTHERS out there! :)
Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 2:01 AM
Suppppppppppp Supppppppppp~Life at school is good because there's full of laughters and fun. Lectures and tutorials are kind of breaking the flow of fun but still, it's always cool to understand it after that! :)
Nowwwww, to allll mothers out there, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! :)) I got my mother her mother's day gift just yesterday -- A mug with decorations of the WUN sisters. It's really heart melting to see her grinning so happily when she received her gift. God bless you mom!
Didn't have enough sleep due to the stay I had over at my grandma's place. Slept at 6am. Accompanied Fel, I seriously feel that I miss her alot! Haven't been hearing from her much because Im busy with schoolwork. Just hope that she will be stress-free once she goes overseas. :) So on friday, went out with my group of friends-Alicia, Samantha, Shi Kang, Bernard, Harald, Sebastian and extra Zhi cong who keeps saying that freshies are irritating. The more he shouldn't come right? haha. Kidding lah~ Ivan came along after we were like playing pool halfway. Oh, so we were at Marina Sq playing pool and we wanted to play bowling after that. Again, a laughing-like-mad outing with Harald's sliding to you and saying, "OH?!" and adding on with Shi kang's retarded laughter, Bernard's gayish actions and Sebastian's crazy Azlan actions and voice. Of course there were the audience which is US- Alicia, Samantha and Me laughing like crazy. & randomn disturbing of Ivan :D Zhi cong is.. erm, always being disturbed. HAHA. So no point saying lahhh.
Hmmm, went to the arcade at Suntec. Whoa, teaming with Alicia equals to COMBO. haha. Kidding lah~ We just kept playing the basketball the whole day until my arm muscles almost started to cramp. :D But I enjoyed it lah. Went home after hanging out for a while more & had a fruitful time at church. :)) I learnt alot and through the chapter of Matthew, I see myself understanding more and more. I feel so blessed :D deep within.
Saturday, went for Youth Service. Had another fruitful time then headed off with the rest of the kias to Parkway to get my mother her Mother's day gift with my sister. Thank God for Evan and Marianne who were there to help me :) Thanks girls. I really appreciate it. So I got mummy a mug, a pretty pretty mug. :D With decorations from the WUN sisters. I call it the MOMMY CUP. haha. It's beautiful to me. The coolest thing of all was the money we spent on it. I thought I wouldnt have enough money to get the pens to decorate for mummy's mug but in the end, God showed me that He can provide and I feel so blessed and thankful. & I manage to get those pens to decorate the mug so beautifully. All praise to You. :D
Spent my time studying a little for CARC and watching this kind of horror like movie at Ah po's house. It's called Guai Shou. I don't know the english name for it but in direct translation would call it Weird Demon. It was a touching, funny at times yet shocked my-sister-during-a-part movie. Haha. Cool cool movie. :) Then spent my time reading notes again and back to watching tv. Some show acted by Chow Yun Fat. hahaha. Super funny show ah! Some show like 10 years ago, super cool! :)
Then couldn't go to church today because my eyes were swollen and I know.. Im guilty. :( But I know, ''It is finished.'' & that doesn't give me an excuse, yes I know. Spent my time loading stuff into my new lappy and reading a little more of CARC. Yeap. Sometimes, I feel so different. & it's great to feel different than being in the same old self of me. I feel so free and niceeee. :) Like nothing is pulling me down for now. Thank God for that. Haha. I want to love others around me. :)
Buddy, Im quite worried about you and I actually dint want to tell you that, but now, Im saying it to you. You've got to jiayou. Remember what you said about living a simple life? Be simple and don't complicate matters. We are humans but I just feel that it's not that simple to say WE ARE HUMANS because we are humans but different in many ways. If you dont get what Im saying, then ask me :) & I really hope that things gets better for you. Don't ponder and drown yourself in all those heart twitching stuff, tell them TO GO AWAY. They can never come into you because you have Jesus. Ok? :) JIAYOU JIAYOU! KAMPATEI!
& I really do hope this feeling is right? I don't want myself to be pulled down by many strings and always getting myself to think too much. For now, Im ok, really. Im living happily. :) I just want to get my thinkings straight and without it trying to take the shortcuts around me. Hahaha. Ali understands, right? :) Thanks Ali, for listening to me talk and talk. YOU ROCK K? hahaha. she will be happy like mad and will be praising herself once she sees this. hahahah.
Alright people. Take care, Im getting off from blogger. So in the meantime, JIAYOU for everybody! :) Nightttttttttttttt. Kamza Hamida~~
Labels: Happy Mummy's Day :)